Wednesday, January 26, 2011

An ode to books

Dear books,
Oh how smart you are 
You know everything that people know
if people aren't friends with you, they will be sorry
I'm not yet familiar with you
I hope I will be soon
if I meet you, I will be smart
may be I'll be studying in the Seoul university
but if I never meet you, I'll be sorry
I'll be on the street crying, telling people to help me
I saw people that hated you
and I think they weren't happy 
I hope I can meet you as soon as possible
Minho Jang

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Third Person Narrative

Daniel finally finishes the classes and ride the elevator to 12 floor to eat dinner at the cafeteria. Today's dinner is ribs and kimchi!!! Daniel is so happy because of the delicious dinner. After the tiring classes, Daniel can eat foods. However, after dinner, Daniel have to do self study in his room. It is similar with classes, but it is study that you do it by yourself. Daniel was happy before, but he is sad and upset again. Daniel feels he want to get out of this tiring camp. After self study, Daniel and his roommates go to the cafeteria again to get snacks. It is always milk and bread. After the snack, Daniel prepares to sleep in his room. This is Daniel's normal life at GLPS

Second Person Narrative

You went to the advisor's time. Then the real classes begin. You feel really tired and exhausted even though you haven't finished all the classes that day. You feel really angry and sad at the same time. You are really upset about this. You can meet friends in the classes, but you have to meet the scary and boring teachers every time you go to classes. You have a lot of homework in classes and if you don't do them, you get a yellow card. You have to repeat that everyday. You are tired of GLPS already. You finally finish the boring classes and you go back to the dormitory.You take off your jacket and your backpacks and head straight for the elevator to go to the cafeteria.

First Person Narrative

I wake up in the morning. I always have to wake up at 7 A.M. It is really difficult to wake up in the morning so early everyday including the weekends. I am really sleepy. I am happy because the breakfast in GLPS is wonderful. Even though it's always the same, I think that it tastes really good. I can rest about 40 minutes after eating my breakfast. Then, I have to go to my classes. That is really hard and sometimes really boring. I still have to go to the advisor's class. It is really tiring.

Wacky Web Tales

An Odd Animal

The sun is an animal that has black fur with red spots on its heads and wings. Its tail is shaped like a(n) dragon which it uses to eat rabbits. An adult sun may weigh more than77 pounds and stand over 7 feet high.
The sun can be found only in South Korea and North Korea. Although its favorite food is fruits, it also likes to eat jeans. If you ever see a(n) sun, be sure not to ever sing “Korean national anthem.” That song makes it handsome. Instead, give it a few fruits and be on your way.

This is my wacky web tale!! It is really funny. You can visit any times you want to. If you really like it, you can make yourself one wacky web tale!! Feel free to visit whenever you want to..

Monday, January 24, 2011

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

This time, I am going to write a movie review after watching the movie Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire which is the forth series of the famous movie Harry Potter. In this movie, Harry Potter and his friends are 14 years old in Hogwarts.
First of all, I would like to say that Harry Potter is the best movie for me and very popular all over the world. It is really famous. There are all 7 parts of Harry Potter One part is a year. Out of 7, this movie is the forth one which is the forth year at Hogwarts. In this year, Harry is selected in triwizard champions. It was supposed to be 3 people, but including Harry, it became 4. So, from now, I'll talk about the summary of this movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
In this tournament called triwizard tournament, the champions including Harry needs to come by 3 extremely dangerous tasks The first task is fighting with dragons. In normal lives, dragons are not really existing, but since it's a movie, there are dragons. I don't really know about dragons, but in this movie, it seemed like it was really difficult. The second task was to find treasures under water. You know we can't breath under water, but since Hogwarts is a magic school, there are special plants which allows people to breath under water for hours under water. Harry survives this task as well and get tied in first place with Cedric Diggory. The last task is the most dangerous one. It seems easy,but it is really hard. It is finding the trophy in the maze. Harry caught the trophy with Cedric and went to the place where Voldemort was. Because of Voldemort, Cedric dies and fights with Voldemort. It is in fact the most scariest Harry Potter series besides the last one. This is the summary of this movie.
Later on if you have time, I suggest to go ahead and watch this movie. It is much more fun than you can possibly imagine!!!!!!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

This is my viral video In this video, boys are doing back flips to their jeans They might be strange, but if you keep on watching it, it is really cool and funny. I hope you enjoy it